One of the cool things about these old parts
Posted by Andrew Lydecker on
I've been doing archaeology in one capacity or another for 27 years. In a lot of ways, finding these old parts is just like my job - prying open old barns, looking in garages and basements, and opening boxes that have been closed for years, and trying to piece together what was once there.
Today I opened a box from the recently acquired lot. In it were 4 tail light lenses for a 1965 Ford Falcon, wrapped in a crumbling old newspaper. It was clear to me they had been that way for a long time, since the newspaper was the Akron Beacon Journal dated January 19, 1966.
There was the bit about the 110 year old woman who had just passed away. She had been born into slavery in 1856.
And then there were the ads for appliances. Given that cars were $2500 back then, $98 for a TV and $269 for a refrigerator seems like a lot of money to me. And this was at Sears.